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Mille Miglia 1927 the first race 160 pages by Dolcini (279788879116886)
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Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
$19.95 |
20-33 Alfa Romeo 176 pages about 1920-1933 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands 176 pages (26_19968)
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10-27 Alfa Romeo Die Merosi-Epoche 1910 bis 1927 history in GERMAN language by W Honscheidt & S Knittel (19_Merosi_Epoch)
$139.95 |
06-26 Il Portello - A Guide for Operators Technicians and Entrepreneurs to the 1906 - 1926 Alfa Romeo by Duccio Bigazzi - In Italian (16_DuccioBigazz)
$149.95 |
20-40 Alfa Romeo 340 pages about 1920-1940 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands 340 pages (30_210908AE)
$64.95 |
Le Alfa Romeo do Merosi by Fusi 270 pages hardcover in ITALIAN covering the early pre-war years of Alfa Romeo (20_Fusi_Merosi)
$449.95 |
Immortal 2.9 Alfa by Simon Moore expanded edition (30_Immortal_2.9)
$299.95 |
Nicola Romeo Biography un imprenditore del sud alla conquista dell'Alfa in ITALIAN 110 pgs by I. Scelsa (31_LV222)
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Alfa Romeo Monza 8C 221130 Autobiography by M. Wash 320 pages hardcover (50_181013)
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00-45 the History & Development of Light Cars by C Caunter 120 page history covering the Alfa Romeo Austin Bugatti Citroen Ford & more (22_LightCars)
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Roaring Races the true story of Enzo Ferrari race car driver by G. Schmidt (40_8876720065)
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Gaston Grummer the art of Carrosserie by Friry 736 two vol set with 1,023 photos (33_Grummer)
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00-52 Continental Sports Cars by W Boddy hard cover history book covering such makes as Alfa Romeo Bianchi BMW Citroen Delahaye Ferrari Fiat Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Panhard Peugeot & Renault (25_ContenSpCar)
$14.95 |
Alfa Romeo A History by Peter Hull & Roy Slater 524 pages Hardcover The standard by which other Alfa books have been measured (50_AlfaRomeo)
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Spotlight on Alfa Romeo Downunder: Part One: The Early Years; by David Wright Hardcover 128 pages (83_35393)
$59.95 |
Carlo Chiti: Sinofia Ruggente: 206 pages in English & Italian by O. Orefici about the famous Ferrari & Alfa Romeo Engineer (50_135950AE)
$129.95 |
Alfazioso2 by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 2nd volume 120 pages hardcover (65_36755A)
$89.95 |
05-61 Sports Car Pocketbook by W Boddy 253 page hard cover history covering Abarth Jaguar Ford Alfa Romeo Saab & more (30_SportBoddy)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo, a Ballentine's Illustrated History of the Car Marque , by Peter Hull, 159 pages, illustrated (35_ARBallentine)
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Vintage Motor Car Pocketbook by C Clutton 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Mercedes Benz Packard Peugeot Renault & more (30_VintageMotor)
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The Motor Car An Illustrated History by Anthony Blond 255 hardbound pages (31_Motor_Car)
$29.95 |
Racing Pocketbook by D Jenkinson 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Abarth Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Opel Packard Peugeot Porsche Renault & more (33_RacingPocket)
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Cento Manifesti Alfa Romeo by L Simonetta book of 100 posters advertising Alfa Romeo very rare (70_37128)
$199.95 |
Alfa Romeo Milano classic history of the Marque by M. Frostick: 225 pgs (50_MilanoARCH)
$39.95 |
20-87 AutoItalia on Alfa Romeo Portfolio, compiled by Unique, 78 pages. Models Covered 75, 145, 146, 164, 156, The Alfa Romeo RZ & 3.0GTV (53_184155_2860)
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Golden Guide to Sports Cars by F Mortarini 160 page history with entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Ferrari Fiat Lamborghini Lancia Maserati Austin Jaguar Lotus Triumph BMW Mercedes Porsche & more (33_GoldenSports)
$24.95 |
Ferdinando Valletti Alfa Romeo Mauthausen and return by Manuela Ghezzi the story of an employee of Alfa Romeo both before and after WWII (50_BentleyLefle)
$19.95 |
The 6c 1750 Alfa Romeo by Luigi Fusi and Roy Slater (68_6c1750)
$269.95 |
Alfa Romeo History Museum hardbound pages documenting the history of the company and very thoroughly documents it's many products (60_CataARMuseum)
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Alfa Romeo by L. Fusi All Cars from 1910 Tutte Le Vetture dal 1910 hardcover 875 pages (B02_ChvT_C_Sv)
$499.95 |
Racing Cars; Richard Hough. Illustrated history from first race cars thru modern GP cars. Fwd by Jim Clark. pub 1966 152 pg (30_Hough)
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History of the World's Sports Cars by Richard Hough Illustrated 223 page hard cover covering first race cars thru 60's GP cars (30_SportH)
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Touring by Anselmi (50_Touring)
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10-67 Le Grandi Alfa Romeo by L. Fusi Alfas most important cars large format book ITALIAN text full page colour prints by D. Nardiello, with annotated technical drawings technical specification & competition history for each model (55_10282)
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Batsford Colour Book of Vintage Cars by Barron and Tubbs (60_VintageCars)
$19.95 |
Volume 03, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Alfa Romeo Bertone Cunningham and more... (B20_AQVol03Iss4)
$13.95 |
Alfa Romeo Pocket History by G Garcia 66 page history (30_AlfaGarcia)
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Alfa Romeo door in memory die nosti sogni in both English & Italian photo documentary of the Portello factory by Bertolis (40_Bertolis)
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Best In Show Italian Cars Masterpieces from the Lopresto Collection hardcover 203+xii pages Large format book featuring Alfa Romeo Lancia Fiat & others (9788857226897)
$89.95 |
Vintage & Veteran Cars Britain America Europe by P Hendry hard cover hsitory covering Alfa Romeo Mercedes Citroen Lancia & more (35_VinVetHend)
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The World of Automobiles vol 1 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models AA thru AU including AC Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Adler Allard Alpine Alvis Amilcar Auburn Austin Abarth and more (40_WOA_V01)
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Alfa Romeo Truck History from 1914 thru 1988 in English & Italian hardcover 112 pages 165 illustraitions Camion by Massimo Condolo (50_39305)
$199.95 |
Alfa Romeo Ferrari by M. Rainey 116pg (40_Alfa_Ferrari)
$599.95 |
1910-1985 Museo Alfa Romeo Catalogue Sales Brochure visitor guide for Alfa Romeo Museum 32 pages fully illustrated Text in English & Italian (475_Museo_Romeo)
$23.95 |
Le Alfa Romeo do Vittorio Jano by Fusi & Ferrari & Borgeson 255 pages in ITALIAN (50_Fusi_Jano)
$799.95 |
10-86 Identification guide for Alfa Romeo; 192 pgs hardcover by Tabucchi with photos, Tech data, and production figures for each model (55_131691AE)
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The Classic Twin Cam Engine: 275 pages hardcover by G. Borgeson (60_30883)
$229.95 |
1890-1969 A History of Sports Cars by GN Georgano Hardcover 320 pgs (30_SportsCarHis)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo Catalogue Raissonne (50_8885880037)
$499.95 |